Manufactured Homes For Sale in Winnemucca, Nevada

Shop all manufactured homes for sale in Winnemucca, Nevada at Craftsman Homes’ location! View all of the lot models that we have available at our Winnemucca location below, and fill out a price quote if you’re ready to receive more information! Otherwise, feel free to give us a call, or contact us below!

ManufacturedLot ModelNew

Prestige Series / 28483F The Opal

Built by: Fleetwood Homes Nampa
Offered by: Craftsman Homes Winnemucca
Beds: 3
Baths: 2
Sq Ft: 1279
W x L: 28'0" x 48'0"
ManufacturedLot ModelNew

Prestige Series / 30684E The Shoshone

Built by: Fleetwood Homes Nampa
Offered by: Craftsman Homes Winnemucca
Beds: 4
Baths: 2
Sq Ft: 2040
W x L: 30'0" x 68'0"
Please note:

All sizes and dimensions are nominal or based on approximate builder measurements. 3D Tours and photos may include dealer and/or factory installed options. Craftsman Homes reserves the right to make changes due to any changes in material, color, specifications, or features at any time without notice or obligation.

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